Coffee grown in a privileged area, PILLCOCAJA, a dreamland in the Ecuadorian Andes, jealously guarded and at rest for more than 70 years.
At the top of the mountains lies the semblance of this magical coffee at 1650 meters above sea level, sweet flavors and citrus fruits unique to this land were mixed.
Our coffee grows naturally under the shade of old native trees named Faiques and it feeds on natural springs that are formed in the high parts of the mountain.
All these elements merge in PILLCOCAJA to form a fruit of excellence, unique and worthy of being an Ecuadorian pride for the world.
Sociedad Agrícola Comercial Pillcocaja SA was established on January 9, 2008, in order to generate commercial and agricultural projects. It concentrates its activities in the Yunguilla Valley, located 75 km from the City of Cuenca. In its beginnings it was concentrated solely on the cultivation of sugarcane for the production of alchool, which is the raw material for making cane liquor.
Years later, in 2011 the sales of Pillcocaja fell exponentially because their prices were no longer competitive in the market due to high production costs, weather conditions, topography, labor, among other reasons. Thus, in 2013 it was finally decided to suspend the distillation of sugar cane.
In the search of other productive alternatives to implement in the farm, the production of high-quality coffee came along due to the incredible conditions offered by the micro climate of the area. Given this situation, an approach was made with Nestlé Ecuador S. A company that, coincidentally, was interested in executing a Project consisting of carrying out activities of study, analysis and testing -in real production conditions- special coffee plants developed in their laboratories. From these negotiations the sowing of an experimental plot in an extension of five thousand meters was completed.
Due to excellent results of adaptation of the Nestle plants in their first year of growth, in 2013, 7 hectares of special high-altitude coffee were planted for commercial use. Also, a new project was proposed to Nestlé that consists in the production and sale of certified seed.
We are an Ecuadorian company that is dedicated to the production and sale of premium coffee of the highest quality in the foreign market.
Become one of the best specialty coffees in the world with a strong corporate image recognized by the high quality of its coffee.
We are specialists in producing exotic Ecuadorian coffee.
OUR impact
The best green coffee, from Pillcocaja to the World
In Pillcocaja, we assure quality because we have carefully selected the best elements to produce the coffee.
In the productive chain process everybody wins, from the harvesters to the consumer
More than 20 families in the area benefit from the plantation work throughout the year.
Pillcocaja - The best for the environment
Without the space that nature gives us to cultivate, Pillcocaja would not exist, that's why we seek to reward it by not using intrusive machinery or toxic fertilizers.
Nature and Pillcocaja are one. The earth is its strength, water is its food, and the sun its sustenance.
Pillcocaja = innovation
Pillcocaja is a company that is constantly looking to learn and improve. It is open to innovation, change and evolution always looking for the benefit for all who are part of this big family